Today is Not Friday & Boy Bands, a Reprise

Ever get lost in your calendar and become convinced it’s another day? Several weeks ago I spent an entire Thursday sure it was only Tuesday. Every time I remembered, it was like this little bonus. Today, however, it didn’t work out so well, as it was...

All Assembly Required

There are three things you should know about my day: 1) It’s Friday. 2) I got to go into work late. 3) While at work, I had to assemble a piece of furniture. The first is universal, the second is lucky, and the third is capable of canceling out the pleasure of...

How to Use a “Resealable” Bag

Oh, dear. You’ve really done it, haven’t you? You just fell prey to one of consumerism’s biggest myths — the resealable bag — and now you’re staring at your new purchase, wondering how to get the thing open. What was it? Cheese? Cereal? Doggie treats? Come on, you can...

Construction Season

Dear driver of the Honda Accord from Ohio: The orange barrels are lovely to behold, that is true. They glisten in the sunlight as they line either side of the lane down which you meander. Our town is known for its natural beauty, but nothing can compare with the...

Blogs Are Weird and Brownies Are Evil

Doesn’t get a lot more direct than that title, now, does it? So why are these things on my mind? Well, first of all, YA author Diana Peterfreund recently opined that blogs are not the ultimate marketing tool. Now, I’m going to have to agree with that....


I no longer trust beautiful handwriting simply because of its beauty. Like disciples of graphology, I once thought of it as one indication of a person’s personality, a beautiful soul spilling out in ink or graphite. But I’ve since met several cruel women with...

Special Feature: The Annual Crocus Post

It’s time for the annual posting of the first flowers of the season. (Yes, this happens every year.) I discovered these crocuses in our backyard while on the phone with my mother on Friday evening. Naturally, I was so excited I lost the entire thread of our...

The Married We

In a far-away land many years prior to this, a statement such as, “My dear, I fear we must soon secure the windows with tapestries, as a storm approacheth” would mean something along the lines of, “Even though I’m a king, I myself will go close that window because my...

Stalker Claus is Comin’ to Town

Not to dwell on Christmas, but I have to confess that the song “Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town” really creeps me out. As the lyrics to this cheerful tune unwittingly reveal, Santa has some issues, and it’s about time we addressed them. First of all, no song about a...

The Closest I’ll (Probably) Get to Ranting

Warning: Blatant Phlegmagery Ahead I’ve come to the library to work in quiet and comfort among people. As I open my notebook, I hear the gentle slide of books taken from shelves and then replaced, the whisk of turning pages, the humming of the heater, the far-away...